Who called you from 289-624-4285 ?

289-624-4285 is a Landline number located in Hamilton, CD .

2896244285 is provided by Fibernetics Corporation .

This number has been searched 2798 times, users have left 195 comments .

So far 10 users have classified this Caller ID as Scam suspicion , 5 users have classified this Caller ID as Unknown , 5 users have classified this Caller ID as IRS scam .

Other variations of the number: 289-624-4285 , 2896244285 , 001-289-624-4285 , +1-289-624-4285 , (289) 624-4285 , 289 624-4285 , (289) 6244285 , 289 6244285

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Caller ID

Based on the reports submitted by our users, it appears that the phone number 289-624-4285 is associated with scam .

Broad term encompassing various fraudulent schemes aimed at deceiving individuals for financial gain. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests for personal/financial info; report suspicious activity to relevant authorities.

General information

Total calls: 2798

User reviews: 195

Usage: Landline

Location: Hamilton, CD

Last call: 05/03/2024

Users reviews:

18 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a b 2021-07-17

18 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a b 2021-07-17

18 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Unknown

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a b 2021-07-17

17 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Unknown

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.

16 Jul 2021

Number is reported as IRS scam

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

16 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Unknown

Thank you Google , I almost got scammed, from *289-624-4285* *289-577-7753* *647-354-2063*..I was about to call this person for a list of software programs that I wanted for my home and new business office and I noticed that this seller was in Toronto, Yes !, So I was happy about what he had to sell because I wanted these programs,and my 14 year daughter, said she had a bad feeling about this software guy. However, my daughter kept begging me and bugging me to Google search this number 289-624-4285 289-577-7753 647-354-2063 ,before I committed to buying anything or meeting anyone on line... Oh my god!, to my surprise, I found that I was about to do business with a sick old man that sells pirated software!!! Now I have to buy dinner for my daughter tomorrow because she and GOOGLE saved the day.. Thank you once again.. I will never do business with this convict and I will tell many others about this dangerous predator on my Instagram

15 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Unknown

* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970’s. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He’s a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED *** OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP. WARNING !! *DO NOT EVER VISIT OR CONDUCT BUSINESS THERE*

14 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Unknown

* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * c

13 Jul 2021

Number is reported as IRS scam

* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.....

04 Jul 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.....

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

.289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

30 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 * ****** ********* & Scammer of free SOFTWARE off THEPIRATEBAY his fake company is Terabyte Computer Services L1X 0A3 loves to **** & eat the rear ends of 5 year old little church boys. and rapes little girls..Further more this guy ****** abuses his own daughter and posted and sold pictures of her on the internet. This ugly man can not get a proper job so he cons his customers by selling them free downloadable software from (The Pirate bay), by first using (BITTorrent )Come summertime his sear

23 Jun 2021

Number is reported as IRS scam

* 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970’s. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He’s a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED *** OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.

20 Jun 2021

Number is reported as IRS scam

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 *********lle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970’s. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot a

14 Jun 2021

Number is reported as IRS scam

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.

08 Jun 2021

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

249-517-2990 , * 289-624-4285 * 647-354-2063 ******* pedophlle SCAMMER ! of software and stolen laptop in THORNHILL , ONTARIO that changes his 3 phone numbers weekly..ON Kijiji,..He a 70 year old loser in life, that is a major scammer and a con-artist and he use to be a bank safe polisher for many years in the 1970's. ( Go figure )His teeth are falling out and his Breath smells like Cat Food and Rotting Cabbage .. He has major B.O. that attaches to you and his apartment smells like Cheese Foot and Armpits..Ray also has hepatitis C / H.I.V and has recently tested positive for ( COVID-19 ) a few times. He's a pathological liar and a RECENTLY CONVICTED REGISTERED s*x OFFENDER IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO( For ******** & buggery of a mentally challenged 5 year old German boy in a basement of a well known Catholic Church in TORONTO ) * check it out * HES A OVERWEIGHT DIABETIC AND LIVES IN THORNHILL,ONTARIO IN GOVERNMENT HOUSE * HE LIVES WITH A DEMONIC WITCH *AND THEY BOTH COLLECT DISABILITY CHEQUES ?..?..HIS UNIT IS INFESTED WITH COCKROACHES, BEDBUGS AND FIELD MICE . HE HAS UNKNOWN DRIED BLOOD & STOOL SKID MARKS ON HIS COUCH ,AND TO TOP THINGS OFF HE HAS HOMOSEXUAL *********** OF SURFER TYPE MUSCULAR YOUNG BOYS ENGAGING IN ****** ACTS ON THE TELEVISION..THIS COUPLES APARTMENT IS A VIRUS TRAP.

Report an unwanted calls from 1-289-624-4285

If you know something share your knowledge about the caller which will help others to find out whether this number is regarded as trustworthy or not. Sharing your unique information with 2896244285 will help others to decide how to interact.

Any information from You will be welcome, eg. Who called you? What did they want? From where are they? How often did they call?. You don't have to log-in to add comment. Please remember to not give personal information and don't use ugly and offensive words.

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