Who called you from 339-212-0655 ?

339-212-0655 is a Landline number located in Boston, MA .

3392120655 is provided by METRO PCS .

This number has been searched 707 times, users have left 3 comments .

So far 1 user have classified this Caller ID as Unknown , 2 users have classified this Caller ID as Text message .

Other variations of the number: 339-212-0655 , 3392120655 , 001-339-212-0655 , +1-339-212-0655 , (339) 212-0655 , 339 212-0655 , (339) 2120655 , 339 2120655

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General information

Total calls: 707

User reviews: 3

Usage: Landline

Location: Boston, MA

Last call: 10/09/2024

Chart Placeholder

Users reviews:

01 Apr 2024

unknown reported number as Unknown

Text message claimed to be the bill dept for doctors office never have I ever received a text bill from my doctors office plus I don’t owe anything

08 Feb 2024

Donnie Darko reported number as Text message

Left message saying I will receive Patient Alerts from BILHPC. I am only familiar with BIDMC (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center). This looked bogus so I did not open it.

08 Feb 2023

Rod reported number as Text message

Text message from this number saying I will receive Patient Alerts from BILHPC. Whatever that is.

Report an unwanted calls from 1-339-212-0655

If you know something share your knowledge about the caller which will help others to find out whether this number is regarded as trustworthy or not. Sharing your unique information with 3392120655 will help others to decide how to interact.

Any information from You will be welcome, eg. Who called you? What did they want? From where are they? How often did they call?. You don't have to log-in to add comment. Please remember to not give personal information and don't use ugly and offensive words.

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