Who called you from 610-853-1330 ?

610-853-1330 is a Landline number located in Allentown, PA .

6108531330 is provided by VERIZON PENNSYLVANIA .

This number has been searched 1784 times, users have left 112 comments .

So far 12 users have classified this Caller ID as Scam suspicion .

Other variations of the number: 610-853-1330 , 6108531330 , 001-610-853-1330 , +1-610-853-1330 , (610) 853-1330 , 610 853-1330 , (610) 8531330 , 610 8531330

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Caller ID

Based on the reports submitted by our users, it appears that the phone number 610-853-1330 is associated with scam .

Broad term encompassing various fraudulent schemes aimed at deceiving individuals for financial gain. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests for personal/financial info; report suspicious activity to relevant authorities.

General information

Total calls: 1784

User reviews: 112

Usage: Landline

Location: Allentown, PA

Last call: 05/02/2024

Users reviews:

04 Jun 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

I got a call and I am from new york. They threatened me if I don’t pay them 500 usd then they will put my company as fraud on their twitter and sites. Scammer . info (scammerdotinfo) “ 1888techline “ “thundertyt “ Twitter - @1888techline @scammerinfo @thundertyt 1-715-636-0627 I have continuously getting emails and calls from these people for now they want 20,000 dollars. They are scammers with no face , no real names.

03 Jun 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Jackie DIeterle calling (again) asking me for credit card number for all access pass to her **** site. I told Jackie DIeterle maybe she's able to **** a golf ball through a 50 foot garden hose but she's not getting my card number nor sucking on mine!

29 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

This is a dangerous and harassing call. Indian man tells me my computer needs cleaned or it will be locked up. Said if I give him my credit card number he can clean it up right now. When I refused, he became irate and started cussing me. I tell him to go eat a cow and hang up.

27 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Caller: Hello. I’m calling from the Social Security Administration. We’ve sent you several letters, which you’ve failed to answer, and so I’m calling to let you know that there’s been suspicious activity on your account and you need to take immediate action. Me: Excuse me. What did you say your name was? Caller: I’m from the Social Security Administration. You need to take immediate action, otherwise you may be arrested for fraud. Me: I’m sorry. I don’t think you’re really from the Social Security Administration. Caller: What? You don’t believe me? Why don’t you believe me? I’m from the U.S. Social Security Administration. What makes you say that I’m not? Me: No, you’re not from the Social Security Administration. I know better than that, because the Social Security Administration doesn’t call people up out of the blue like this. Caller: Yes, we do. I’m from the Social Security Administration. I can’t believe you don’t believe me. If you don’t follow my instructions immediately, you will be arrested and put in jail. We will send the police to come to your house and arrest you for fraud and nonpayment of taxes and — Me: Wait a minute, sir. Don’t threaten me. I know you’re not from the government and you know that I know you’re not from Social Security. What I want to know is how you got my phone number? Caller: The government has all phone numbers. We have your driver’s license and other information about you. You’re putting yourself at great risk. I’ve already said that we sent you letters which you didn’t answer — Me: Oh, yeah. You did say that. What address did you send the letters to? Caller: [pauses] Uh…Um.. I have it here. . . [Hangs up]

15 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Caller said her name is Mary Gormandy White, even caller ID showed that name, but you know she's a con artist that spoffed that number. Mary Gormandy White offered to text me a **** selfie but to make sure I'm not a minor she claims she must get my credit card number. Said she would charge the card $7.00 or something like that & text me the selfie and then refund me my charge. Said if I wanted her to not refund it, then she'd send me a video of her and some other chic doing the soccer coach under the bleachers. I told her if I wanted ****, I can get it on the internet for free and don't need some old used up *** dumpster that claims her name is Mary Gormandy White ripping me off. I told her to go phuck herself and blocked this number.

14 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Guy called out of the blue, said his name is Matt Wiedner and said the was the FBI and Whats my name. I said I wasn't giving out that information cause the FBI DONT CALL PEOPLE THEY PEOPLE & THEY WILL SHOW UP TO YOUR HOUSE BEFORE THEY CALL YOU. Matt Wiedner said that he was going to transfer me to another the FBI agent for further questions. When he transferred me the lady, Jen Walz, answered the phone and said this is the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. I SAID THAT MATT WHO TRANSFERRED ME TO YOU JUST SAID THAT IS WAS THE FBI CORPORATION. Jen WALZ THEN TOLD ME I'M SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION. AND SHE THEN ASKED ME FOR MY NAME BIRTHDAY AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND A CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD INFORMATION. I HUNG UP AND BLOCKED THIS NUMBER AFTER THAT.

13 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

scammer telling me he needs my credit card number so he can check to see when my stimulus check will be deposited. i told him i don't need a credit card number for that, and he said oh, you're right, instead i need your routing and account number and we can make sure your check is deposited today. then went on to ask me if i have any scrap metal for sale.....wtf?

05 May 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Called said his name is Michael Kleinman and he's going to help me get my stimulus check deposited. This putz is calling from a cell in his moms basement trying to rip people off. I let him talk and stammer up until he asked me for my routing and account number which would make it the fastest way to get my money. When I told this phucker I already had my check and I knew he was a scammer then he started on some sob story about how he's needing a little help right now because he's unemployed and has no money to pay for his ****. I told him give ole Rosey Palm a lube and hit the internet, there's plenty of free stuff he can wack to there without trying to rip me or others off. At that point he hung up and I blocked his number.

30 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Wanted my car insurance policy number. Told me he'd bill them for replacement windshield and cut me a check for half that amount so we could both make some bank off those greedy insurance companies out for more profit. I told him I wasn't interested in insurance fraud and wouldn't give him any information. Once I told him I had recorded this call the line went dead and he went off to make his next call. I blocked his number after he hung up.

28 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

Mike Kliemnam calling in desperation saying he needed my credit card number to bond out for drug found in his car. First of all, I don't know any Mike Kliemnam, secondly if I did his sorry a$$ can rot in jail as far as I'm concerned.........keep him and those drugs off the streets!!

22 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

I told him to quit calling me while I was in school plus I'm not old enough yet to have a credit card. He asked me if I was a pretty school girl and then started talking nasty dirty *** talk to me. He wanted to know my bra size and told me he's playing with his giant baby maker in his hand. He said he knows where I live and might come over sometime and spank my bare **** or lick my *******. Because of him now I want to move :(

21 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

This Is Mark I just drove by a property I believe you're in and I'm actually really interested in making an offer on it even with the coronavirus going on I'm actually still buying houses the whole process would take less than 5 minutes to get done. I pay cash I could close on your time frame and there wouldn't be any fees attached finished at all just give me a call this number it's 623-244-5351 again that number is 623-244-5351 thanks for doing for me the favor of purchasing your property. Now if this phuck wad Mark really was who he said he was, first he'd stop and ring the doorbell and hand over his cash offer. Secondly, he wouldn't give you a different call back number than the one he used when he spoof called you. Thirdly, the call back number is tied to known con artist and is not a legitimate business. Hey phuck wad Mark,,,,,,,,,go fornicate yourself!!

Report an unwanted calls from 1-610-853-1330

If you know something share your knowledge about the caller which will help others to find out whether this number is regarded as trustworthy or not. Sharing your unique information with 6108531330 will help others to decide how to interact.

Any information from You will be welcome, eg. Who called you? What did they want? From where are they? How often did they call?. You don't have to log-in to add comment. Please remember to not give personal information and don't use ugly and offensive words.

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