Who called you from 866-222-7957 ?

This number has been searched 1170 times, users have left 62 comments .

So far 2 users have classified this Caller ID as Scam suspicion .

Other variations of the number: 866-222-7957 , 8662227957 , 001-866-222-7957 , +1-866-222-7957

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Caller ID

Based on the reports submitted by our users, it appears that the phone number 866-222-7957 is associated with scam .

Broad term encompassing various fraudulent schemes aimed at deceiving individuals for financial gain. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests for personal/financial info; report suspicious activity to relevant authorities.

General information

Total calls: 1170

User reviews: 62

Last call: 05/03/2024

Users reviews:

22 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

I told him to quit calling me while I was in school plus I'm not old enough yet to have a credit card. He asked me if I was a pretty school girl and then started talking nasty dirty *** talk to me. He wanted to know my bra size and told me he's playing with his giant baby maker in his hand. He said he knows where I live and might come over sometime and spank my bare **** or lick my *******. Because of him now I want to move :(

21 Apr 2020

Number is reported as Scam suspicion

This Is Mark I just drove by a property I believe you're in and I'm actually really interested in making an offer on it even with the coronavirus going on I'm actually still buying houses the whole process would take less than 5 minutes to get done. I pay cash I could close on your time frame and there wouldn't be any fees attached finished at all just give me a call this number it's 623-244-5351 again that number is 623-244-5351 thanks for doing for me the favor of purchasing your property. Now if this phuck wad Mark really was who he said he was, first he'd stop and ring the doorbell and hand over his cash offer. Secondly, he wouldn't give you a different call back number than the one he used when he spoof called you. Thirdly, the call back number is tied to known con artist and is not a legitimate business. Hey phuck wad Mark,,,,,,,,,go fornicate yourself!!

Report an unwanted calls from 1-866-222-7957

If you know something share your knowledge about the caller which will help others to find out whether this number is regarded as trustworthy or not. Sharing your unique information with 8662227957 will help others to decide how to interact.

Any information from You will be welcome, eg. Who called you? What did they want? From where are they? How often did they call?. You don't have to log-in to add comment. Please remember to not give personal information and don't use ugly and offensive words.

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